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Launches Investigation Into Deadly Soccer Indonesian Stampede

Newsproday - Launches Investigation Into Deadly Soccer Indonesian Stampede The players from Arema Soccer Club still in shock and overcome with grief pictures of police with shields kicking and hitting fans have been spreading on social media going over the use of tear gas in the stadium police fired canisters into the crowds thousands panicked and piled up against narrow exits many people got stomped on and there was so much tear gas people tried to get out but couldn't because the doors were locked some managed to break through a wall to get out police defended the use of tear gas saying it was necessary to subdue fans rioting over their team's loss in East Java and the capital they came to mourn the death toll was revised down Indonesian authorities said some victims were counted twice but the number of injured Rose to more than 300 many are teenagers the football world is in a State of Shock this is a dark day for football and the tragedy Beyond Comprehension investigators h...

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